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Live in Paris 5, 7 & 9 mars / 19 avril 1960 / Quincy Jones, direction, arrangements et trompette
Disque compact
Edité par Socadisc - 2014
- Contient
- Chinese checkers, Sunday kind of love, Air mail special, Parisian thoroughfare, The Phantom's blues, Lester Leaps in, I remember Clifford, Moanin', Doodlin', The Gypsy, Big red, Birth of a band, Walkin', Air mail special, I remember Clifford, The Preacher, Birth of a band, My reverie, Ghana, Cherokee, Pleasingly plump, Stockholm Sweetening, Tickle Toe, Blues in the night, Our love is here to stay, Doodlin', Ghana, Whisper not, Birth of a band, Lester leaps in
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