How do you feel ? / Anthony Browne

Livre jeunes

Browne, Anthony (1946-....)

Edité par Walker Books. [S. l.]

Do you feel happy ? Do you feel confident ? Maybe a little sad ? Explore and understand feelings with rare simplicity in this perfect book for the very young.

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Anna et le gorille / Anthony Browne

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Into the forest / Anthony Browne

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Life on Mars / Jon Agee

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How do you feel ? / Anthony Browne | Browne, Anthony (1946-....)

How do you feel ? / Anthony Browne

Livre jeunes | Browne, Anthony (1946-....)

Do you feel happy ? Do you feel confident ? Maybe a little sad ? Explore and understand feelings with rare simplicity in this perfect book for the very young.

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Russell the sheep / Rob Scotton

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