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Hawai / The High Llamas, groupe vocal et instrumental
Disque compact
Edité par Alpaca Parkapp - 1996
- Contient
- Cuckoo Casino
- Sparkle up
- Literature is fluff
- Nomade
- Snapshot Pioneer
- Ill-fitting Suits
- Recent Orienteering
- The Hot Revivalist
- Phoney Racehorse
- Dressing up the old Dakota
- D.C.
- Doo-wop Property
- Theatreland
- A Friendly Pioneer
- Cuckoo's Out
- Peppy
- There's Nobody Home
- The Hokey Curator
- Campers in Control
- Double Drift
- Island People
- Incidentally N.E.O.
- Tides
- Nomad Strings
- Pilgrims
- Rustic Vespa
- Folly time
- Hawaîienan smile
- Instrumental suite
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Livre - 2017 - L' amoureux de papa / Ingrid Chabbert
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