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Negro-spirituals 1924 - 1949 / Marian Anderson
Disque compact
Edité par Night And Day Distribution - 2000
- Contient
- Nobody knows de trouble I've seen
- Deep river
- Heav'n heav'n
- City called heaven
- Go down, moses
- My soul's been anchored in the lord
- Sometimes I feel like a motherless child
- Dere's no hidin' place down dere ; Ev'ry time I feel the spirit
- I know the lord laid his hands on me
- Trampin
- I can't stay away
- Were you there ?
- I don't feel no ways tired
- Let us break bread together
- Oh, what a beautiful city
- Poor me
- Hold on
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Partition - 1997 - O.K. Computer : pour chant et guitare (solfège & tablatures diagrammes des acccords de guitare)
Espace musique | M 21 RAD 7 | Partition | En rayon