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Songs from the labyrinth / John Dowland
Disque compact
Edité par Universal Music France S.a. Paris - 2006
- Contient
- Walsingham
- Can she excuse my wrongs
- Ryght honorable
- Flow my tears
- Have you seen the bright lily grow
- Then in time passing on
- The Battle galliard
- The Lowest trees have tops
- And accordinge as I desired ther cam a letter
- Fine knacks for ladies
- From thenc I went to the Landgrave of Hessen
- Fantasy
- Come, heavy sleep
- Forlorn hope fancy
- And from thence I had great desire to see Italy
- Come again
- Wilt thou unkind thus reave me
- After my departure I caled to mynde
- Weep you no more, sad fountains
- My lord Willoughby's welcome home
- Clear or cloudy
- Men say that the kinge of Spain
- In darkness let me dwell
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Musique audio - 2008 - Mod'vakance / Sayon Bamba
Espace musique | Musiques du monde | M 515 BAM | Disque compact | En rayon